Online Event: The Brazilian academy for European researchers

The Association of European Researchers in Brazil and EURAXESS LAC are organizing a series of webinars aimed at providing information, in English, for European researchers about the Brazilian higher education and research landscape.

The Association of European Researchers in Brazil, launched in January 2022, is aiming at facilitating the integration of European researchers moving to Brazil, for short, long-term, or permanent stays, and at amplifying the collaboration among Brazil-based researchers who are doing research with Europe.

Check out the programme:

♦ 9 August, 15:30 CET: How to get a postdoc position in Brazil?

This webinar will focus on the post-doc experience of European researchers coming to Brazil: What are the existing programmes accessible to European researchers? How to find a host institution and get contact with potential Brazilian supervisors? How to submit a successful application and get funded? What are the onboarding administrative processes and how to get prepared as best as possible? What about a postdoc in a public research institute and the relationship with industry? University vs. Research Institute: different postdoc experiences, different relationships with students, different relationships with private companies.


20 September, 15:30 CET – How to get a permanent position in a Brazilian university?

In this webinar, European researchers with permanent positions in Brazilian universities will share their experience: How is academic selection for a professor position organized in Brazil and how accessible is it to foreign candidates? What is a successful application and how to get prepared for the writing and oral steps of the process? What are the administrative processes to get to know before applying? What is to be expected from a career in a Brazilian university?



20 October, 15:30 CET – How is a Brazilian University organized?

More information coming soon.




Informationen zur Veranstaltung

6. Juni bis 20. Oktober 2022

Veranstalter: Association of European Researchers in Brazil and EURAXESS LAC