Downloads and Publications

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Magazine “German-Brazilian Dialogue on Science, Research and Innovation” – in English and Portuguese

♦  Energy transition for a sustainable future – Nr. 10

Germany and Brazil point the way to a successful global energy transition.

Read here or download the file here [pdf, 7.29 MB].





♦  The challenge of minimizing the impact of climate and urban changes – Nr. 9

At the invitation of DWIH São Paulo and FAPESP, experts from Germany and Brazil will discuss the issue from the perspective of the multi-centre government challenge.

Read here or download the file here [pdf, 6.80 MB].



Radicalization and Violence: causes, routes, targets and solutions – Nr 8

Causes, routes, goals and solutions | Analyses and suggestions by scientists from Germany and Brazil on a problem that affects individuals, society, countries and even democracy worldwide.

Read  here or download the file here [pdf, 5.52 MB].


Where will the jobs be? – Nr 7

Experts from Germany and Brazil will present and discuss the steps and uncertainties of working in the digital world under various aspects.

Read  here or download the file here [pdf, 2.99 MB].


The many keys to bioeconomy – Nr 6

In addition to research
Technology and innovation, the bioeconomy
opens doors to collaboration.

Read here or download the file here [pdf, 2.49 MB].


The city of tomorrow: tackling urban challenges and oppotunities – Nr 5

Meeting urban challenges and opportunities.

Read here or download the file here [pdf, 2.38 MB].



Information technology: a new revolution is underway –  Nr 4

Information technology: A new revolution is underway.


Read here or download the file here [pdf, 3.37 MB].


Mathematics: from scientific research to everyday events –  Nr 3

Natural phenomena and their interpretations by
complex systems.


Read here or download the file here [pdf, 3.87 MB].


Espaço público urbano: mobilidade e inclusão – Nr 2 (in Portuguese)

Read here or download the file hier [pdf, 2.39 MB].




Bóson de Higgs – Nr 1 (in Portuguese)

Energy | challenge Education and | Knowledge transfer.


Read here or download the file here [pdf, 2.06 MB].

Annual Report – DWIH Network

♦ 2023


Global crises, conflicts and permanent change are challenging societies around the world and causing them to reflect on and conduct research into their resilience. “The resilient society” has been chosen as the focus topic for the German Centres for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in 2023. Access the multimedia tool Pageflow in English or German.

♦ 2022

Maintaining dialogue worldwide, even in the face of global change and severe conflict: a look at the development of the network of German Centres for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in 2022. Access the multimedia tool Pageflow in English or German.

♦ 2021

Highlighting the annual focus topic for 2021, which is “Society in transition: impacts of the pandemic”, the centres will be seeking ways in which the global challenges posed by the pandemic can be met by international networks. Download the bilingual PDF here (English and German) or access the multimedia tool Pageflow in English or German.

♦ 2020

The DWIH report highlights the challenges facing the five German science and innovation centres around the world in maintaining the annual theme in a pandemic-led year 2020. Download the bilingual PDF here (English and German) or access the multimedia tool Pageflow in English or German.

♦ 2019

Artificial intelligence (AI) was the central topic of the DWIH network in 2019. The German Houses of Science and Innovation (DWIH) have introduced the discussion into their programmes and sounded out the various aspects of the topic. Download the bilingual PDF here (English and German) or access the multimedia tool Pageflow in English or German.

♦ 2018

In 2018, the five DWIHs dedicated themselves to the topic of “Innovative working in a digitized world”. Following this focus, the DWIH Annual Report presents the most important events and actions that each German Center has carried out on this topic. Download the bilingual PDF here (English and German) or access the multimedia tool Pageflow in English or German

♦ 2017

In the DWIH Network Report 2017, the Centres for Science and Innovation present their work and achievements worldwide. Read or download the bilingual PDF here (Portuguese and German).

Other Publications

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