Promoting Brazil-Germany bioeconomics

In 2018, two events punctuated and promoted bioeconomics for Brazil and Germany: “German-Brazilian Bioeconomy Workshop” and “14th Workshop on bioeconomics – New Bioeconomy Business Opportunities: how to begin a profitable business”.
In May, the second edition of the “German-Brazilian Bioeconomy Workshop” was held during Green Rio/Green Latin America 2018, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The objective of the Workshop was to promote closer relations between Brazil and Germany in the fields of bioenergy, biomass, and sustainable agriculture with the presence of a German delegation. The DWIH São Paulo provided a stand, during the event, to inform the public regarding its activities.
In November 2018, the “14th Workshop on bioeconomics – New Bioeconomy Business Opportunities: how to begin a profitable business” was held in Campinas. The event was organized by the Fraunhofer IVV e Agropolo Campinas-Brazil, and besides these two institutions, also taking part in the organization of the event were the Agronomy Institute (IAC), the Food Technology Institute (ITAL), and the National Research Center for Energy Sources and Materials (CNPEM). With the support of the Fapesp and DWIH São Paulo, the workshop presented different models for entrepreneurship, for innovation management, and success stories, for the purpose of fostering the formation of social networks to encourage technology-based entrepreneurship, with a focus on young entrepreneurs, students, and stakeholders.
Learn more about the workshop here!